Here are some

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long is a Gracepoint service?

    In total, a Gracepoint worship service is about 70 minutes in length.

  • Do you have services for kids and youth?

    Yes! KidsPoint is available at both of our services from babies to 5th graders. Follow the KidsPoint signs at the back of the room to check in. Preregister your kids online before your first visit to speed up your first time checking your kids in.

    Our 6th-12th grade students are encouraged to sit in the service. Wednesday nights our Credo Student Ministry for 6th-12th grade students meets at 6:30pm at the Gracepoint office (2018 Main Street in the Heights).

  • Where do I park?

    If it’s your first time visiting us, turn onto Barrett Road and follow the A-frame signs to park in the main lot by the football field.

  • What’s the culture like at Gracepoint?

    Sundays at Gracepoint are exciting, casual, and relaxed. Come as you are and expect to feel welcomed as our guest! Make sure you grab a hot cup of coffee!

  • What can I expect when visiting?

    Prior to service, coffee is available as people are encouraged to meet each other and check in your kids. Services begin with the Gracepoint worship team leading the church in music - song lyrics are projected on the screen so you can easily sing along or just listen in. After the music, someone on our team will come out to teach a message from the pages of the Bible that is engaging and relevant to your life.

  • Can I watch services online if I can’t attend in person?

    Absolutely! If for any reason you can’t make our in-person service, you can always watch it live at 10:45 a.m. on Facebook or YouTube. Follow @gracepointbillings on Facebook or YouTube!