Our Values

Our values fuel our mission of seeing people sharing hope and thrive spiritually. We are committed to being a part of lives-changed through Jesus working in and through people’s lives.

Mission Gets Our Best

We are committed to making disciples of Jesus Christ who live out lives with God, with others, and for others.

Big Faith Requires Big Action

Believing God to do impossible things requires us to take large steps of faith. We believe putting our yes on the table is the start to a big faith move.

Encouragement is Our Climate

We seek to create an environment inspiring people to experience the support, confidence, and hope to grow as a follower of Jesus.

Activated People Activating People

We believe Jesus followers living spiritually activated lives will activate the spiritual lives of others by living in proximity to them.

Mission Gets Our Best

We are committed to making disciples of Jesus Christ who live out lives with God, with others, and for others.

Big Faith Requires Big Action

Believing God to do impossible things requires us to take large steps of faith. We believe putting our yes on the table is the start to a big faith move.

Encouragement is Our Climate

We seek to create an environment inspiring people to experience the support, confidence, and hope to grow as a follower of Jesus.

Activated People Activating People

We believe Jesus followers living spiritually activated lives will activate the spiritual lives of others by living in proximity to them.

About Us

Learn more about who were are as a church, where we desire to go, and how you can be a part of it!

  • Who We Are

    Gracepoint started with 38 adults meeting in November of 2018. We are comprised of people from every generation and varying interests, but the one thing we have in common is our love for Jesus Christ. He has changed each of our lives and we want everyone to know that life-changing love of God!

  • Where We Come From

    Gracepoint came out of a deep desire for our Billings community to know God in a new and exciting way. We are not reinventing church, or trying to be something we are not. God pursued the world by giving us His own Son Jesus. His death, burial and resurrection is what saves our life forever!

    Our strategy and vision is simple: to be a place where life-change stories are experienced every day.

  • Where We’re Headed

    Jesus commanded us to love our neighbor as our self.

    When we love God with all our hearts, that always leads us to love others in a genuine and authentic way. At Gracepoint, we focus on the values that make being a follower of Jesus so special. As we grow as a church, we are focused on each person that walks in the door, because Jesus cares about each of them (you)! Living for God's glory and sharing His love with people is a value we hold high.

    Families are our jam! We all began in a family and most of us are a part of one. Whether you are a child, parent, single, single parent, or puppy parent, you are welcome at Gracepoint!

  • What This Means For You

    This means your life matters to God and it matters to us! No matter what part of your faith journey you are on, there is a place for you at Gracepoint. Even if you don't see yourself on a faith journey, we'd love for you to come and see what church is all about. We don't have all the answers (that's God's job), but we are a community of people devoted to loving God and living that out by loving our community well.

    Learn more about what we believe as a church by clicking the button below!

  • What We Believe

    Take a moment to visit our page covering what we believe. Click on the button below!