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Sermon 2.0

Applying This Weekend's Message Through Group Discussion.

Encounter God in Community

The Sunday message is the open door to encountering what God has in store for you! Many of our Life Groups use the Sermon 2.0 Discussion Guide to go deeper into the passage of Scripture and application points from the weekend’s message. This is a time to have open conversation, ask questions, laugh a little or a lot, and learn from others. Our heart is to see your faith in God grow as you apply the truths of the Bible to your everyday life.

We believe you can encounter God through the context of relationships and want you to experience this in a Life Group! Apply the truths of the Bible and see your faith in God grow as you build new relationships with others in your group.

Sermon 2.0 Discussion Guide

Week of March 9th


How much do you love watching Hallmark movies and/or romantic comedies?


Take a moment and read 1 Peter 2:1-12 from this weekend’s sermon.


What do you observe within this passage of Scripture? What was the intended message to the audience this passage was written to? Some basic observation questions are:

  • What was happening right before this? Who is speaking and who are they speaking to? What words or themes repeat? What is confusing, is interesting, is humorous, etc? Where else within the Bible talks about a similar topic? If you were within this passage, what would you be experiencing and noticing?
  • What are some of the descriptions given for God’s people? Why are these important to be reminded of as the church?
  • What warnings does Peter give to his audience? Why does the body of believers need to take and apply these warnings?


Describe a time in which you worked with your favorite or least favorite team. What made it successful or your favorite? Or what made it a struggle or your least favorite team?

Discuss the value Activated People Activating People. How does our unity in our faith in Jesus fuel this value?

As a church, what are ways we glorify God in the way we live and worship? Why is disciple making an important part of the church and needs to be a main focus of the church?

  • How would you describe discipleship? How have you experienced the impact of discipleship?

What makes relational responsibility difficult? Read Ephesians 4:30-32. Discuss the impact of these actions on relationships specifically within the body of believers.

How do we encourage ourselves to participate in the run? How can we encourage and empower others who are struggling to see their value or purpose to participate?

  • What have you experienced as you’ve participated in the body of Christ?

What are your steps towards unity this week? Is it forgiveness, finding a way to participate, being more encouraging, etc? What is your main point of application from this weekend’s message?


Take time to close the night in prayer by praying for three different areas around unity:

  • Pray for God to use the blessing of diversity in our church to glorify God in our community.
  • Pray for strength in our faith in Jesus. Pray that through this strength God may bring fruit through His people.
  • Pray for Gracepoint to be a place that glorifies God and grows disciples of Jesus.